9 thoughts on “Welcome, 2019 (and IWSG)

  1. C.D. Gallant-King says:

    Totally get it. I haven’t done much marketing because I don’t have much product to market – I’ve only published two full-length books so it seems a waste to put resources into it yet, you know? I’m not sure when the tipping point is (3 books, 5 books, 10 books?) I hope I’ll know it when I reach it.

    Happy New Year! Hope you become the new Nike of 2019! 🙂

  2. trishafaye says:

    Great three points that you’ve highlighted!
    I like how you’ve realized that you’ve been working on product creation and learning your product. That’s a fantastic way to look at it.
    Good luck going forward in 2019 with more active promotion and marketing goals.

  3. Mel says:

    “…this writing journey is taking so long”. I hope this writing journey takes your entire life, because it is just that–a wonderful journey. The best part of any journey are the bumps and turns in the road that teach us something new which we need to move forward. Also–a good read for you might be “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. xoxo keep moving forward!

  4. H.R. Sinclair, Southpaw says:

    Very well said! It makes so much sense that to market we need to truly know out product–beyond the basic story (even though the story isn’t basic. 😉 ) I can’t wait to see you new tagline and look.

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