Not a Social Author

I haven’t posted a blog in TWO weeks. I really want to blame someone else, so let’s do that. It’s not my fault. It’s theirs. The nerve.

I do enjoy keeping up with my blog, but I was under a deadline to get A Return of Ghosts over to the editor for line edits. Of course I forgot to write the bonus scene with Grayson (I do a bonus scene with Black Coyote and Grayson Knight at the end of each book in both series) so I was scrambling to work on that. But I got it done! And to celebrate, I watched The Summer I Turned Pretty and The Orville because…why not?

I’m not a social author, I’ve sadly come to realize. Which is WEIRD since I’m selectively social in real life. What’s the term for that? I’m an extroverted introvert. I prefer to be alone, but can be very social in certain situations. If we’re being honest, I’d stay in my writing cave for 75% of the time, chuck the books into the void, and continue on in my normal life if I could. The social media part of me flounders daily, so the next time I miss consecutive posts, just know it’s not because I’m not working. It’s because I am working. Very hard on something. Probably some amazing story I hope you’ll read.

Let’s look at the status of my ongoing projects, shall we:

A Return of Ghosts – out to editor for line edits – releasing 12/23

In The Moment After – first draft written – releasing 6/24

A Battle of Champions – half of rough outline written – releasing 12/24

This is just to give you an idea of how far in advance I work on things/and what I work on simultaneously. Again, if I’m not on social media, I’m probably in another world writing a battle scene, as I can’t seem to escape them.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I’ll (hopefully) have another one for you next week.


~ LC

Positive Fun Vibes – ARPIP Releases Friday!

Guess who’s back from Reggae Rise Up?

You’re so smart. That’s right—me. And yes, it was frigging awesome! If I didn’t mention it (I think I did?) RRU is an annual outdoor festival cloaked in an herbal cloud with groovy music by some amazing artists. Oh yeah. Definitely the recharge I needed.

Batman and I headed down Thursday night, but we didn’t start the festival fun until Friday afternoon, a few hours before Sublime and Rebelution came on (our highlights). Getting ready to go:

I did try to take photos, but the sun was blinding and I couldn’t see anything on my phone. I ended up taking a lot of tiktoks that are still in my drafts (due to their super poor quality) so we’ll see what becomes of them, which is likely nothing. Perhaps. I might post one here or there when I get bored. Or desperate for content…

The food at the festival was great! Especially the fried Oreos, which I tried multiple times, just to make sure. No, I did not use the porta pottys because I have a reoccurring nightmare about disgusting bathrooms, so I watched my water intake and let the music and fog take me away…

And then Summer fell into my life.

Literally. Actually, she laid down on the blanket in front of me and Batman in the middle of Rebelution’s performance. Now, who’s Summer? Great fucking question, because I still don’t know. But she was drunk as a skunk and definitely on something stronger than I ever want to try. Because, after discovering *quite quickly* that she couldn’t really stand, she fell into the guard rail—hard. Like really hard. Summer was having quite the night, though I doubt she remembers any of it. Like me. Or hanging with us until her brother and his livid girlfriend arrived to collect her. Or my bruised, scraped thumb I have as a souvenir. But that’s how festival-going goes.

The entire weekend was awesome, even though our hotel room had the world’s longest walk and this angry meth head freaked out on us while we were waiting for an Uber—still a GREAT weekend! If you like reggae music (Rebelution, Sublime, Collie Buddz, Koffee, ect.), being outside with cool people (except you, Summer. Get your shit together) then I highly suggest Reggae Rise Up if you get the chance. 😊


Okay, guys. This is it. It’s this week. This motherfucking week. You know what that means:

  1. Celebratory dinner.

With each novella/novel release, I’ve decided I’m treating myself and Batman to an “occasion” meal which is a fancy way of saying an expensive restaurant we have no reason going to. But we do! For I am releasing another book baby into the world which super calls for extravagant dining in a fancy restaurant we’d not normally go to. (Mind you, when I say extravagant, I mean a level or two above Chilis. We’re not going crazy here—we’re still low middleclass as long as middleclass is still a thing) For In The Moment Before, Batman and I went to the Columbia Restaurant in St. Augustine. It was December, required a reservation, and other than being guilted that we were just a party of two (and not four or more, like our server wanted) it was lovely. It’s time for our next outing, hopefully without an opinionated server. Current choice options include:

  • Coopers Hawk
  • Cheesecake Factory
  • Maggiano’s

I’m stuck and need more options. This is where you come in. Please either vote on one of the below OR add your own for a new possibility. Come on, guys. You can help Batman and me feel like one of the wealthy for a night! Help send us in our pumpkin carriage to a ball with better than awesome food. That’s all I ask.

2) Celebratory Giveaway

That’s never been a thing I’ve done—BUT I’M STARTING IT. That’s right. Once I figure out how, I’m hosting a raffle giveaway for a signed paperback edition of A Royal Pairing in Perish, a new tradition for each coming release. The raffle giveaway will likely be in next week’s post, so keep an eye out for that if you’re into free awesome stuff.

Alright, I feel like I’ve taken enough of your time even though I could ramble on for another few hours so I’m going to end it here. Quick recap of all the stuff:

A Royal Pairing in Perish releases this Friday. Woot!

Help me decide where to celebrate with Batman. Please.

Keep an eye out for the signed paperback giveaway. Another woot!

Keep an eye out for Summer. (Seriously)

Have a fab-fab-FABULOUS week. I’m sending you all the happy, positive, fun vibes! 😊

~ LC

Burnt, Slim, and Writing

I’m burnt.

I think that covers everything—my mental state and definitely my red, red skin which still hasn’t faded to an attractive brown tan. Give it a couple of days. I’ll be looking good.

I’ve been wanting to discuss the surprise party we’ve been planning for my wonderful sister’s birthday this past weekend. Coordinating something so large with people flying in, a restaurant catering manager with poor communication skills, and wishing items from Etsy weren’t so expensive…it’s been…a lot. But so, so worth it, and everything came together beautifully! Even these lovely red shoulders I got from an impromptu trip to the beach:

Work has also been crazy. And not the good crazy. The crazy-crazy that causes anxiety and stress and contributes to the BEST diet ever—the corporate America diet. Screw Slim Fast (I’ve tried) Jenny Craig (haven’t tried) and whatever new fad diet is popular. Want to shed some pounds? Get yourself a seat in corporate America and the weight will literally fall off. Tip from me to you 😉

Amidst the party and forced dieting—yes—I am still writing and yes—I’m wobbling along trying to keep to my schedule. Does it work? Eh. Half the time. But half the time is better than zero percent of the time…so I got that going for me.

If you haven’t heard me shouting it from the rooftops, A Royal Pairing in Perish is now available as an ARC! All I ask is an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, the blimp outside your house—wherever. I’m also accepting beta responses for In The Moment During. I just need those back rather quickly as I need to get it over to the editor by 3/20.

That’s my news, folks. I’m burnt, slim, and writing.

Living the good life.

What about you?

~ LC

Only Asking Because of Desperation

I’ve only got two things on today’s agenda:

I need BETA readers (In The Moment During)

I need ARC readers (A Royal Pairing in Perish)

I need Chris Pratt (figured I’d slip this one in there too…)

Only asking because of desperation. That’s all 😊

(Since my newsletter is out today with all the other updates…)

~ LC

P.S. Hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Batman and I had sandwiches and relaxed on the couch. Only way to celebrate.

Lemme Direct Your Attention – BETA READERS NEEDED

I know I say this every week, but I’m keeping today’s post short. Well, shorter. There are several reasons for this:

  • I write my blogs at work and my boss is almost back from lunch
  • Not a lot happened since last week (the whole no news is good news thing)
  • I’m still deep in the writing cavern which fills up all my free time
  • Four reasons sound better than three

I did think about skipping today’s post (as I don’t have much to share) but I’ve been stood up TWICE in my life, and I just won’t do that to you, kind folks. Also, there is one thing I have to talk about:

BETA READERS NEEDED for In The Moment During

Did you read In The Moment Before and simply *must* continue the journey with Robin & Grayson? If so, lemme direct your attention here:

BETA form for ITMD

I’m doing a final sweep through the manuscript, but I’ll have it ready by this Friday, 2/10. If you’re interested in giving feedback, please let me know! (I need it to make the story better 😊) And if you’re interested but haven’t read In The Moment Before (and want to!) I’ll throw you a free copy to get you up to speed. Just need feedback by March 3rd in order to get to the editor in time.

Working blurb:

After an unexpected hookup, I end up dating Grayson Knight—my former mortal enemy. We still argue constantly, and I’m sure we’ll break up at some point, but after a family dinner goes well with Dad—the city’s Police Sergeant—I have hope.

Then I start noticing things. Like how Grayson gets called away at odd times, or how skilled he is with gymnastics. Then there was the fight at school—the one where he dominated his opponent. None of it seems relevant until we’re attacked by a monstrous creature—and Grayson springs into action. It’s almost like he knows what to do…like he’s done it before.

Knowing something is off, I confront him about his odd departures and accurate physical skills, but he brushes it off. Not satisfied, I decide to discover the truth for myself. Because Grayson has a secret—and I’m going to find out what.

Lastly, I’ll have the ARC available for A Royal Pairing in Perish on 2/24. If you want to be one of the VIPers who receives their Batman/Catwoman inspired adventure-romance early, lemme direct your attention here:

ARC form for ARPIP

That’s all folks. Keep rocking it!

~ LC

For Anyone Wondering

I write my blogs on Monday in time for Wednesday. Except today (Monday) I started the day by setting off the alarm at work. Things are off to a great start.

Probably going to keep today’s post short since we’re coming off a fresh newsletter with any recent updates and all the things you should/probably/may not want to know have already been addressed. I’m pretty boring over here. Other than a super-charged game of punch-buggie over the weekend, it’s been chill. But the game has gotten serious, for anyone wondering. Word of advice: don’t challenge Batman to the punch-buggie game. He takes that shit seriously.

Well, it’s February. Things on my mind this week/month:

  • Finish final edits of A Royal Pairing in Perish
  • Make A Royal Pairing in Perish available for ARCs
  • Establish brilliant plan of marketing
  • Sleep

Besides all my writing deadlines & duties, February is an exciting month for Batman as well! We’re working his second toy show and this time, I’ll be healthy and not sneezing on potential customers. Already an improvement! I’ll be sure to include pictures when that newsletter/blog rolls around.

Oh! And I totally neglected to mention this in my last newsletter and blog (because I’m a horrible, horrible wife) but I’ve been feeling a little stressed lately, and one day last week I came home to flowers from Batman. They’re pretty much dead now, but try to envision them lively and fresh:

Another thing? (why have I forgotten to include this gem?!) Batman won Christmas. There. I said it. I think I did pretty well this year, but I can’t get over my BIG present that just arrived due to holiday delays. Y’all ready for this?

I can’t. I just can’t. LOOK AT THIS. LOOK AAAATTTTT IIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re royal and wonderful and just as it feels we should be, puffy pants and all.

He wins. Batman wins. I concede defeat.

Anyway, happy Wednesday.

See you on the ‘tock, here, or on my fb page. Pretty much the only places you’ll find me outside my writing cave. For now.

~ LC

It’s All Perspective, Right?

Here we are, half way through the first month of the year. Ready for Christmas yet?

I’m kidding and not kidding because it’ll be here tomorrow and I like planning for things in advance. I kind of have to with what I’ve got going this year.

I have my four books I’ll be releasing—one in March, June, September, and December. I have these release dates memorized (if you receive my newsletter, you probably do too. If not, there’s a handy link on the website, so check out that bad-boy.) This entire time I was operating on the March/June/September/December timeframe even though I planned on providing ARCS for each.

ARCs! Advanced Reader Copies! That’s right!! That means March/June/September/December just became February/May/September/November. The kicker? I haven’t even written the one for November, which I plan to make available for Beta in August. We’re half way through January and I don’t even have a panster outline for this one. Thank God it’s the last novella so it shouldn’t take me too long. Let’s not even get started on the final TCATC book due in March 2024 which I still haven’t written.

Still. Haven’t. Written.

At all. Any of it. Not outline. NOTHING.

Yes, a huge part of me is internally freaking out (and always will) but I’ve listened to that part for too long. Not no more. I’m just going to turn up my Bob Marley and focus on what needs to get done instead of worrying about it. It’s all perspective, right?

 But enough about writing.


Batman and I have been binging it for—*thinks to myself*—two weeks now? We just finished season four, and before we get into the fifth season, we’re tackling 1883 and then 1923. Because clearly, we think we don’t have day jobs, doggies to love, or side hustles to be hustled. All that exists is binging Yellowstone and its spinoffs, which I’m fine with. It’s very refreshing to escape my own reality (and the ones I come up with) to go into someone else’s.

And yes, Rip is hot in a way. I guess. Still not *quite* my type, but I see what you guys see. And I definitely see what my mom saw years ago in Kevin Costner.

That’s all for today. I’m either off:

  1. Doing something writing-related.
  2. Watching 1883
  3. Playing with Appa and/or Regis
  4. Possibly all four because I’m a multitasking motherfucker

I could also use a nap at some point. Maybe one day.

Until next week 😊


Only Mildly Panicking

We started off the New Year with Appa acting weird. He’s fine…except he can’t fully shut his mouth, which makes it harder for him to eat and drink, which makes for many, many puddles of drool throughout the house. Now, he is my son, and I will do whatever I need to, to take care of him, but I was not expecting my Direwolf to transform into a big, slobbering foamy factory overnight.


We have an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow, so hopefully, we should know more. Our main vet was confused by his test results, and other than advising he was suffering from Slack Jaw, she wasn’t sure. Hence, the visit with the neurologist tomorrow. I’m a little more concerned because Appa already suffers from seizures. So, something funky and messed up is going on inside his brain. Figures. He is part of this family.

Also—our washing machine stopped working. Yeah! We waited until the last day of our three-day weekend to start on the laundry, so almost as inconvenient as when it stopped working when we had Covid (and thought we were cleaning our gross clothes…). Batman is outside tinkering with things and twisting knobs, so I really have no idea how this is going to go. And most of my clothes are in the heaping piles on our bedroom, so this week will be interesting.

Writing-wise, I’m only mildly panicking. I’m still writing the Reader Magnet for A Royal Pairing in Perish, and I need to have it to the editor by January 13th in time for her to do her thing, get it back to me, and allow me to implement the changes, all before it goes live on February 17th, which is when the ARC of ARPIP releases. So, yeah. Still writing it, but hopefully I’ll finish it in time by next Friday.

*panicked breathing*

I also need to implement the final edits for A Royal Pairing in Perish IN ADDITION TO finishing up the latest draft of In The Moment During, so I can get that to Beta Readers by February also. Seriously, can I stretch the month of January please? THERE’S NOT ENOUGH TIME.

Or maybe I haven’t discovered that I’m a magical time Lorddess and can control this?



Also! Executive decision made: whilst updating my website to be more user-friendly, I thought about when I’d be revealing the names of future books. I kind of held out on revealing that info for…I don’t know why. Stupid, nonsensical reasons, I suppose. Does it really matter when? Do you care? Maybe if there’s some reason for the build-up, it’d make sense, right? Yeah, I thought so too. Which is why you’re getting the name for the remaining series. Call it a happy 2023 gift?

The Coyote And The Claw

A Royal Pairing in Perish – Book 1

A Return of Ghosts – Book 2

A Battle of Champions – Book 3

The Coyote And The Claw Companion Series

In The Moment Before – Novella 1

In The Moment During – Novella 2

In The Moment After – Novella 3

See? I feel better already. Know you all know and I don’t have to feel pressured with some kind of big reveal. It’s exciting—sure—but so is this post. And again, now you all know. You’re welcome 😊

Alright, that’s all I’ve got for you this week (and it’s enough) but I hope to dazzle you next week some more. Please cross your fingers for me and Batman in our upcoming battles.

We need it.

~ LC

A Month.

So, I wrote a post last week…and definitely forgot to post it. STILL NOT DEAD. Just forgetful. But just so you know that I’m not sitting over here doing nothing. I am. I’m hustling and grinding behind the scenes and sometimes, things slip my mind…like posting that blog from last week. It was a short one. But, for reference:


In The Moment Before releases a MONTH from today. A MONTH. I still can’t believe it. I wrote this back in July and I’m actually releasing it next month as the first story in the world of Perish, Florida. Never heard of it? Probably because it’s 1) not a real place and 2) you’re new to this blog because I’ve talked about writing Perish Florida since earlier this year, when I thought I would be publishing A Royal Pairing in Perish around June. But I wanted to do the launch right this time, so I put it on pause, researched the HELL out of self-publishing (again) and after a trip to Tampa, I discovered a new/side story that I wanted to write that ended up becoming the first story in this world and it’s releasing NEXT MONTH.

I still can’t get over it. I feel like I’ve done a thousand things to prepare, but I still feel like I have billion more to do and all I really want to do is to work on the next story in the series (the writing portion. So far working on this has been 60/40 writing vs business.) I feel like I’ve come a long way with setting up this launch. I’m trying new things and I’m definitely throwing a lot of money at it (reasonably) but I know it takes money to make money and so far, I’ve been pressing the publish button and that’s it. It’s time to do more. I am doing more.

To celebrate re-stablishing myself (establishing for the first time?) I’m passing the awesomeness to you! During the month of December, I’m putting my Better Than This series on sale, with the first book as free and the others at .99. It’s my thank you for being an awesome supporter of me, my work, and reading in general. We need more people like you 😉

And because, why not? Gotta feel comfortable pimping my stuff:



I am proud of it after all 😊

~ LC

Good Thing Is I’m Not Dead


Two weeks, guys. I know. I know. Well, the good thing is I’m not dead nor did I come close. Just general adulty-busyness which involved a mega cool Halloween party (no pictures…sorry…I’m lame and forgetful), a roof repair, and *several* tasks getting done for a certain release later this year. So, to recap: NOT dead, Halloween party, crazy roof repair, and writer tasks have kept me from posting a blog over the last two weeks. Definitely an excuse, but also definitely accurate.

First – our annual Halloween Party. As always, I was too busy getting literally everything else done that I forgot to take any pictures (YES, Batman helps tremendously but I’m Team Captain in this specific event so it all falls to me, and snapping pictures is the last thing on my mind. But I was able to grab a quick pic of myself at work where basically no one else dressed up. So, there’s that):

The ROOF. Okay, well no one likes getting their roof done and thankfully, Batman was able to stay home for the few days to overlook everything. It’s a good thing he did since one of the workers FELL THROUGH THE CEILING.

Yeah. Give that a second to sink in.

A MAN FELL THROUGH OUR CEILING. Like, through it. Don’t believe me?

Poor Batman was playing video games while the doggies were peacefully sleeping and then BAM! Human falls through the ceiling to the hardwood floor below. Yeah. Thankfully, he didn’t hurt himself too badly (JUST a broken rib) but like…really? That actually happens? Guess it does since we then had to deal with a contractor coming over the weekend to patch the ceiling since the roofing company couldn’t provide a resolution. To say I’m shocked is an understatement, as well as a bit of a lie since this is life and weird shit happens all the time.

Writing updates? Plenty, but I won’t bore you with them this week. Next week you’ll get the post with the pre-order links. Ah, hell, you three are my loyal readers, so you can have early access now! Why not:

Everywhere BUT Amazon – PRE-ORDER LINK


This isn’t going public until 11-11-2022 because:

  1. I decided that at some point and have been sticking with it
  2. 11-11 is such a lovely date and has magical powers
  3. I dunno but three reasons sound better than two

Also, I’m probably at the dentist right now getting the crown for my root canal. I’ll be sure to go over how amazing it was in next week’s post, unless I forget like I did with the actual root canal (or maybe I just didn’t want to relive it. That’s probably what it is).

Anyway, have a great rest of your week and I’m sorry I went mute for two weeks. But I promise I’ll always let you know if I’m dead. It would be too rude if I didn’t.

~ LC