Early For a Change

I wrote a post about not having been where I wanted to be by now. Or by 30, which is coming this September. I was kind of bummed, and a lot of you commented that none of us are where we want or thought we would be by this terrifying (although kind of exciting) milestone. And it helped. A lot.

And then I found this on Pintrest. Ages that well-established authors got their big break or wrote the work that defined them as an artist. I read it to Batman, as I do anything that excites me, and after listing all the names and ages, I turned to him and exclaimed (possibly shouted) “I’m not late! I’m early!”

If you’re like me and too lazy to click on the link, here’s the rundown: ages range between 26-65 and cover authors from James Joyce to Dan Brown, from C.S. Lewis to J.K. Rowling. The exciting part is that the majority fell in their 30’s and 40’s. Which means, on average, this little 29 year old is early, folks.

I’d been meaning to share this link but I’m lazy and forgetful. More so the latter. And then this morning, I opened my email to find my daily TUT–notes from the Universe. Know about this?  Here’s today’s:

“Because you’ve been wondering…

You’re way ahead of schedule. It’s time you learn to let the rest unfold.

It doesn’t matter that others are talking about you.  They sense the profund effect you’ll have on humanity.

And yeah, you can pretty much coast from here. Just remember, coasting implies that you’ll stay in motion.

TV will suit you,

The Universe”

Things we learn from this Blog Post:

1 Check out TUT. It’s a great place to find inspiration and belief in yourself. Because you’re amazing and filled with power and potential and are part of something much, much bigger than yourself. And sometimes, all it takes are a few notes from the Universe to remind you. So check it out. You’ll thank me. Just like I thanked my mom who told me about it.

2. Don’t beat yourself up. You may not have arrived exactly when you wanted to, but when you’re supposed to. Fate knows what’s going. She’s got it all under control.