Ten Years of Publishing

It’s October, guys.

The leaves (for some) are changing, there’s a cool breeze in the air when the sun doesn’t hate us, and for those businesspeople, it’s the start of the fourth quarter.

Ah, fall.

As excited as I am about sweater weather, this October means something different. Something special. Something that reminds me to keep going. That I haven’t given up yet—because I haven’t. This October marks the ten-year anniversary of publishing my first book, Escape from Harrizel (Arizal Wars series).

I can’t believe it. It feels likes yesterday, and not an entire decade ago. Ten years, guys. Where did that time go? Since releasing EFH in October 2013, I’ve published:

Plague of Mybyncia (Arizal Wars)

Discovery at Nerwolix (Arizal Wars)

Crusade Across Worlds (Arizal Wars)

Better Than This (Better Than This)

Better Than Now (Better Than This)

Better Than You (Better Than This)

In The Moment Before (The Coyote and The Claw Companion)

A Royal Pairing in Perish (The Coyote and The Claw)

In The Moment During (The Coyote and The Claw Companion)

I might’ve genre-hopped a little, but I wrote the stories I wanted to (and will continue to do so). So, I couldn’t let this milestone pass without doing…a little something.

To celebrate publishing my first book TEN YEARS AGO, I’m doing a giveaway for FREE signed paperback of Escape from Harrizel with $25 gift card 😊 Woohoo! In order to enter, all you need to do is tell me. That’s it. Send an email, a text, a DM. I’ll take carrier pigeons and snail mail, but I draw the line at insects and creepy crawlers. Keep that stuff to yourself.

So…what’re you waiting for? Don’t you want to celebrate with me by owning your very own copy (with updated cover) AND a gift card of money—all free? AND you’re supporting an indie author. I mean, seriously…what’re you waiting for?

Thanks for being so supportive, guys. For the last decade, I couldn’t have done it without you. Here’s to you, and what’s next to come!


Not a Social Author

I haven’t posted a blog in TWO weeks. I really want to blame someone else, so let’s do that. It’s not my fault. It’s theirs. The nerve.

I do enjoy keeping up with my blog, but I was under a deadline to get A Return of Ghosts over to the editor for line edits. Of course I forgot to write the bonus scene with Grayson (I do a bonus scene with Black Coyote and Grayson Knight at the end of each book in both series) so I was scrambling to work on that. But I got it done! And to celebrate, I watched The Summer I Turned Pretty and The Orville because…why not?

I’m not a social author, I’ve sadly come to realize. Which is WEIRD since I’m selectively social in real life. What’s the term for that? I’m an extroverted introvert. I prefer to be alone, but can be very social in certain situations. If we’re being honest, I’d stay in my writing cave for 75% of the time, chuck the books into the void, and continue on in my normal life if I could. The social media part of me flounders daily, so the next time I miss consecutive posts, just know it’s not because I’m not working. It’s because I am working. Very hard on something. Probably some amazing story I hope you’ll read.

Let’s look at the status of my ongoing projects, shall we:

A Return of Ghosts – out to editor for line edits – releasing 12/23

In The Moment After – first draft written – releasing 6/24

A Battle of Champions – half of rough outline written – releasing 12/24

This is just to give you an idea of how far in advance I work on things/and what I work on simultaneously. Again, if I’m not on social media, I’m probably in another world writing a battle scene, as I can’t seem to escape them.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I’ll (hopefully) have another one for you next week.


~ LC

I Brought My Books

Batman and I did the show!

If you recall from last week’s post, I mentioned we were participating in a local toy and comic show. The event has grown in popularity to include all kinds of things across many fandoms, including several handmade items. Batman decided to become a vendor two shows back and this time, I stepped up my game as well. I brought my books.

To sell.

To answer your burning question: yes, I sold a few. I brought copies of ARPIP and ITMB and sold one of each to two friends. Then another vendor lady bought one of each as well. So (if adding correctly) that’s six books! Sure, my awesome friends stepped it up because they’re supportive AF. But I also sold two on my own. Confetti and squealing and all happy dancing for that!

Pic for proof I was there:

It was probably a good thing we did the show on Sunday. I was trapped (and still am) in an epic finale battle scene that I’ve been crawling through. So, escaping into a room of fun-fandom people for a day was refreshing and inspiring. People love their shows, stories, characters. They love whatever art speaks to them. It’s refreshing and makes me excited to crawl back into the literal trenches of this battle scene to pump out the magic.

In case you’re curious, Batman did well too! He sold a lot video games, toys, and passed out business cards this time. We’re both doing our thing and loving it.

Also, I’m doing a weekly writing update on tiktok and posting to my fb, so if you ever forget what I look like—or want proof I’m really a real person—feel free to check them out. I’ve only done two videos, and they’re mostly of my messy office and the view of my window with a water bottle, so don’t think you’ve missed anything yet. But I plan to bring y’all along my journey with the rest of the Coyote and Companion series. Because…you know…why not?

Have an awesome week 😊

~ LC

Onto Something Big Here*

Let’s start with the good news:

  1. I’m not dead! Always worth reminding.
  2. I’ve (obviously) made this week’s post AND I’ll have next week’s newsletter ready to go. On track so far.
  3. I ordered business cards. BUSINESS CARDS. It’s becoming real, y’all.
  4. I worked on Canva for marketing (and made progress!)
  5. I resolved the paperback issue for Better Than You on Amazon – go ahead and grab your updated copy!
  6. I’m nearly a third of the way through writing In The Moment After and am looooovvvvviiinnnggg iiiittttt.

And for the bad news:

Since I’ve yet to locate my hordes of ravenous fans, I don’t think it will be *too* terrible to announce the shift to my publishing schedule. Whereas I was hopeful—nay I say naïve?—in producing four works a year, the money (and time) simply isn’t there. Sadly, Batman and I are still “the Poors” and can only move so far so fast. In fact, I emptied my savings to publish A Royal Pairing in Perish & In The Moment During. Self-publishing may be free to do but it ain’t cheap 😉

With that said, I’m moving to a two-a-year book release schedule because:

  1. I can afford that. Currently. Let’s see where the world goes…
  2. It will give me more time to focus on each release and advertise without feeling rushed.
  3. I’m poor.
  4. I need a social life.

Some of these repeat, but you get the point. I’m planning on making June and December my official release months soooooo that means after In The Moment During comes out this month (woo-hoo!) my next release will be in December for A Return of Ghosts. Don’t look at my website yet because it’s not updated. Still on my to-do list, but I wanted to announce this as early as possible because, I dunno. Seems important.

You feel it, guys? The shift? We’re onto something big here*.

Oh, yeah…


*That’s what she said

I Must Do All The Things

Well, I’ve hit a dry spell.

With selling books. For a little bit there, I was moving one to two units a day! (Although they were usually free. But still. Movement is movement and hopefully leads to more movement…) But now that’s stopped and I’m staring at my phone wondering if it’s broken because the same ugly zero has been staring aggressively at me for the last few days.

Mean, angry zero.

Okay, yes—I’ve taken a break with tiktock, and with marketing in general. I know. I know. But I’m tired and really need to focus on editing ITMD and working the next draft of AROG. I mean, product is just as important as advertising product, right? No? I don’t know.


I got them Friday. I really want to open the box and see my books but opening them is a “thing” now apparently. You read that right. Unboxing personal indie author books is a “thing” so I need to do this “thing” and I keep forgetting because the house needed ridiculous amounts of cleaning and I got the edits for ITMD and the doggies needed playing. So…the box is still sitting there. Waiting to get unboxed. Because that’s a thing. And I’m an author and I must do all the things.

Guess what I’m saying is…keep an eye out for that spectacular video 😉

Think that’s all for now. If not, I’m sure I’ll be popping into the FB group for an update. That, or it will wait until next week. Either way, still be on the lookout for my unboxing video.

~ LC

Lemme Direct Your Attention – BETA READERS NEEDED

I know I say this every week, but I’m keeping today’s post short. Well, shorter. There are several reasons for this:

  • I write my blogs at work and my boss is almost back from lunch
  • Not a lot happened since last week (the whole no news is good news thing)
  • I’m still deep in the writing cavern which fills up all my free time
  • Four reasons sound better than three

I did think about skipping today’s post (as I don’t have much to share) but I’ve been stood up TWICE in my life, and I just won’t do that to you, kind folks. Also, there is one thing I have to talk about:

BETA READERS NEEDED for In The Moment During

Did you read In The Moment Before and simply *must* continue the journey with Robin & Grayson? If so, lemme direct your attention here:

BETA form for ITMD

I’m doing a final sweep through the manuscript, but I’ll have it ready by this Friday, 2/10. If you’re interested in giving feedback, please let me know! (I need it to make the story better 😊) And if you’re interested but haven’t read In The Moment Before (and want to!) I’ll throw you a free copy to get you up to speed. Just need feedback by March 3rd in order to get to the editor in time.

Working blurb:

After an unexpected hookup, I end up dating Grayson Knight—my former mortal enemy. We still argue constantly, and I’m sure we’ll break up at some point, but after a family dinner goes well with Dad—the city’s Police Sergeant—I have hope.

Then I start noticing things. Like how Grayson gets called away at odd times, or how skilled he is with gymnastics. Then there was the fight at school—the one where he dominated his opponent. None of it seems relevant until we’re attacked by a monstrous creature—and Grayson springs into action. It’s almost like he knows what to do…like he’s done it before.

Knowing something is off, I confront him about his odd departures and accurate physical skills, but he brushes it off. Not satisfied, I decide to discover the truth for myself. Because Grayson has a secret—and I’m going to find out what.

Lastly, I’ll have the ARC available for A Royal Pairing in Perish on 2/24. If you want to be one of the VIPers who receives their Batman/Catwoman inspired adventure-romance early, lemme direct your attention here:

ARC form for ARPIP

That’s all folks. Keep rocking it!

~ LC

I’m Already Off Schedule

I’m already off schedule. (Go figure)

Am I surprised? Nah. I think the word is expected. I should’ve expected to get bumped off my own schedule. It was only a matter of time. So what happened? Well, the goal is to have the ARC of A Royal Pairing in Perish done in time for its February 17th date. Of course, that date is arbitrary (no one is banging down my door asking for it) so I can push it back if need be. But stiiillllllll. I wanted to keep to my schedule. And no, it’s not Yellowstone this time. It’s the actual writing.

I’d just finished going through In The Moment During, and can’t decide if I’m missing the last chapter/a bonus chapter/something. So, I started writing it…which led to outlining In The Moment After which NEEDS TO HAPPEN, but I’d designated this time (officially the start of this week) to focusing on A Royal Pairing in Perish since it’s releasing right around the corner. I still need to:

  • Implement final edits
  • Work on backmatter (info at the end of book)
  • Finish up my Reader Magnet (part of backmatter)
  • Set up pre-order for In The Moment During (part of back matter)

Things. There are so many things to be done. And this is just the writing part. Not to mention any kind of advertising for any of the series/learning to do Facebook ads which I’M STILL GOING TO LEARN.

All I need is more time. Anywhere we can buy that? (Please let me know if you know).

…Maybe I will push the ARC date back to 2.24. That would be a solid month prior to the book’s actual release, and again, no one is holding me to it. I’m holding myself to these deadlines, but I also don’t want to rush and provide a subpar product. That simply won’t do either.

There. I feel better having talked it out. Thank you guys – you’re the best! 😊

Other than writing-stuff, life is good. Appa is still acting weird. He’s had a few accidents in the house, and is now starting to shake like he’s got Parkinson’s. I have no idea what’s going on with him, but hopefully it corrects itself. Or the drugs we’re buying him corrects it. Something has to give.

Batman is doing well. He’s working on his own stuff and it seems to be making him happy. Which makes me happy.

Alright…seems to be everything I’ve got. Recap: I’m:

  • Already behind schedule
  • Will update schedule
  • Still going to crush this year

At the end of the day, I’m still going to write you stories. Top priority. Feel safe and loved knowing that.

Second newsletter goes out on Monday (still need to write that…) and then I’m back here next Wednesday. Have a lovely, lovely day, guys.

Make that week.

Actually, make it month.

Ah, screw it. Life.

Have a lovely, lovely life, guys.



The Final Countdown

Here we are again, folks. I’m writing this at the last minute, so please forgive any missing words or typos or any stranger than usual content because I haven’t gone through it like, 1,000,000 times before posting like usual. Probably only two look-throughs and that’s it. Let’s see what we get.

For those lucky newsletter subscribers, and even the more select out of that narrow group that actually reads them…what did you think?? Did you choose a cover you like more? Which was it? TELL ME.

As mentioned previously, I haven’t revealed my cover yet because I’m down to two options, one with the original purple I’d requested, and another with a tint or something cool done to it. I don’t know. But, I don’t want to show you either until I’m a BILLION percent sure that’s the one I’m going with, so I’m only including a small section of each. A snippet. And here these mofos are:

Option 1
Option 2

It’s just a peek, but I’m sure you get the picture. So…which one do you like? Which one catches your eye more and would maybe make you want to buy based off that little bit of an image? I have one I’m slightly leaning toward, but apparently, I can’t make decisions on my own. So, I need your help again. The goal is to have this picked by next week. NEXT WEEK. I’ve got to commit because the longer I stall, the less time I have to advertise. Or pay other people to advertise. Something. I’ll figure out something about advertising later but I need a book cover to do that. So…

Other than this, I got my edits back! Woot! Now I’m putting a hold on writing book two and switching back to the first. With a great cover needs to come a great book, and editing probably helps with that.

Alright, can’t wait to hear which tiny piece of a possible book cover image you like more. Let’s call this the final countdown, shall we? By next week, it’ll be one of these two, so do your part:

Let’s do this.

~ Lady Caitlin

Newsletter Island

So…the plan—the PLAN—is to send out this year’s first newsletter on Saturday. Woot! Are you ready? I should probably be ready. I should probably work on it this week since I’ll be sending it out on 1/15 so… with that in mind, I’m keeping this post short. As in super-short. As in, barely a post at all. Since last week was the *big* announcement, we’ll call this one a bridge to next week with an awesome newsletter island in the middle.

Are you signed up? Would you like to be? In addition to my not-as-annoying pop up as before, you can sign up on my sign-up form, which should* be working. But again, it’s me, so we’ll see.

Alright guys, I’ve got nothing much for you right now. I’m on the cusp of getting my beta reader edits back, so every part of me is consumed with that—and realizing I will be even more poor (how is that possible?!) when this book is finally done because damn it takes money to make money. But at least I have my editor booked, and that sweet relief is enough.

Hope to see you in my newsletter on Saturday! Or not. Again, I’ll have no idea unless you sign up and actually open it (we have ways to know…muahahaha…) but you still might not even read it. It’s all good. (Probably just much more of me rambling anyway…) But still – yay for things happening and boo for being poor! I’m feeling all the emotions, guys.

2022 is off to a great start.

~ Lady Caitlin

*If the signup form isn’t working…please let me know. Thanks!

A Big Year

To think I almost missed this post because I put it off to do other important writerly things. Guys – it’s the first blog of the year. OF THE YEAR. Can’t miss this one.

I’ve got big plans for this year, and the plan is to stick to them. Releasing book one, writing book two, being a somebody on the indie-author scene instead of the creepy lurker I’ve grown accustomed to. All the things. I’m even breathing life into my newsletter WHICH I WILL BE CONSISTENT WITH. I have to yell at myself because no one else will and I need disciple.

TCATC is out to a handful of beta readers, and I’m only slightly nauseated in getting the feedback. I’m also throwing around the idea of how I want to title the book. The *series* is The Coyote and The Claw, but book one is A Royal Pairing in Perish. But do I want to highlight the series title, or use the individual book’s name? And how should I put them on the cover? Which one should be larger? Series title or book title? These are the CEO decisions I get to make. Just wish I would’ve paid more attention in art class.

Other big, huge, impossibly AWESOME news: my books are available in paperback! WHAT? RIGHT? YESSS. *Santa waved his magic wand/blew his fairy dust (whatever he does) and now I have physical copies of all those insane words. Proof:

Ignore the weird expression/background/adorable dogs (actually you can look at them. How could you not?)

I can literally hold my art. This is just…beyond awesome.

See? Things are changing. They’re improving. Just like my website…which will be worked on since I glanced at it yesterday and…no. BWHAHAHA no. It’s not terrible, but a bit of a revamp is needed, which has been added to my 2022 Kick Ass Writer list of things to do. But when to get to all these things? Your guess is as good as mine seeing as I have a fulltime job, a hubby who craves attention, and two dogs that think I’m only here to play fetch and give the ear-rubbies and neck-scratchies (which, let’s be honest, *probably* is my true calling). There’s so very little time in the day, and I guess I’ll have to start foregoing my sleep to get everything done. Who cares if I have huge, ugly bags under my eyes? Not me. I barely glance at myself in the mirror. Hubs has to look at me, and that fool already married me, so joke is on him.

There will always be new things to report/advertise/celebrate, but for right now, I think the paperbacks and the fact that I will be foregoing sleep to get all this done is newsworthy enough for this post—the FIRST post of 2022.

This is going to be a big year, guys. Can you feel it? You should. Feel the shift because it is COMING.

Dude—it’s already here.

Happy 2022!

~ Lady Caitlin

*Thanks for being the most awesome Santa, Mamabear

Aaaannnnddd for further proof of the awesomeness: