#FirstLineFriday CAW (Chapter 4)


I’m taking a cue from Joleene Naylor on this one.

#FirstLineFriday is the end-of-a-week posting of the first line (or two) of a published story, potential story, or a work in progress. It’s a great way to get feedback on your work… or to stalk other writers and see what they’re doing. Whichever 🙂 Leave a link to your blog in the comments or on Rami Ungar’s, who started this super nifty concept.

This comes from the fourth chapter of Crusade Across Worlds, the fourth book in the Arizal Wars Series, releasing this June.

“They’re going to be all over you with questions. Just so you know.”

“I know.”

Reid stops us at the edge of the bridge and leans against its wooden banister. He brings my hand to his mouth, brushing his lips over my fingers, teasing a kiss. “I don’t want to give you back yet.

If you don’t know who Reid is or why he has to give the narrator back, you should catch up. You can get the first book for FREE on Smashwords here.

What do you think? You like? You don’t like?

What’re your first couple lines?