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The Keys to Life, IWSG

I wrote a post yesterday about endings being the worst. I kind of like it and I really wanted to publish it but then I drank some wine and overdosed on Kiss Me again (this Ed Sheeran song is so freaking amazing because it’s beautiful and honest and there’s this part at the end when his voice does this hot strain-y thing when he sings ‘love’ and I get goosebumps EVERY TIME and if it was a cassette, I would’ve rewound it and played it again and again and again, like I used to do when I rocked cassette tapes because it’s THAT awesome) and all of a sudden, everything fell into place – my ending came to me! All it took was wine and a little obsessiveness.

Ah, the keys to life.

So, I got the ending for the last book, which is great because Better Than This releases on May 18th (WOOP!) and at the very end I include that book 2, Better Than Now, and book 3, Better Than You, will be releasing on August 17th and November 16th of this year.

I’ve been unemployed for three months. Yeah, I wrote some shit.

Onto the optional IWSG question:

It’s Spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?


I kind of don’t care what season it is; writing is writing is writing, although I do prefer to write when it’s raining out ( it’s weird – maybe has to do with Harry Potter?) but the actual season? No. I think that sections of the year have very little to do with the amount of work getting done. Different times of day? Sure. But not the seasons. Just my opinion.

What about you? Does the color of the leaves (or lack thereof) help/hinder your writing?

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.

BETTER THAN THIS RELEASES ON MAY 18TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Don’t forget to check out my Patreon! (I can say that because I’m on there now. THAT’S RIGHT. I did something on a place that does things.)

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