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Little Tease For Ya

It’s been an interesting couple of weeks.

First thing: my sister is doing great. Fantastic, actually, because she doesn’t need to go back to the doctor or have any more surgery since everything came back benign. 😊

*wipes sweat from brow*

That’s the kind of good news I’m talking about. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and good vibes and for crossing your fingers and toes and eyes and everything else cross-able. It helped. It really did.

Second, I’ve had…a bit of a time. In addition to falling down and hitting my head rather hard (posted about it on my fb author page), I’ve been extremely disappointed in this whole searching-for-a-way-to-pay-my-bills-thing. The other week I was told I had a job, then come to find out that it was given to someone else. Then, I had a promising interview and was asked to come back for a second interview. And I…never heard from the company again (this was after follow up calls and emails.) Job-searching sucks. ☹


BUT let’s not focus on that because it’s sad and depressing and someone *cough* me *cough* has a book coming out. So, let’s focus on fun and creative things like…

BOOK TEASERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I need from you lovelies, are your opinions. I’m not sure if I like the 3D book covers or the flattened ones better. These are book teasers that I’ll be using on Twitter and other sites that let me advertise prior to publication.

So, let me know. Which do you like best? Which catches your eye more or would make you stop and think, “hmm…I may read that?” (Your opinions are SUPER important to me because I know what I like, but I only have two eyes so I need YOUR eyes to look at it freshly. I need to know what other people are thinking about these homemade teasers, so I know what’s working and not. Let’s face it: ya’ll are part of the team now. We’re in this together. So, thumbs up/thumbs down? Spill it. I need the intel 😉)

Also! I’ve joined this thing called Book and Main Bites. (I’m under C.G. Coppola) It’s for romance authors to put up little “bites” of their juicy/lovey moments without revealing their titles/book covers/too much about them. It’s a way for readers to discover new authors just by the content and not so much BUY MY BOOK links you usually see. So, any romance writers/readers out there, I’d check it out. I found a couple of new authors on there myself 😊


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