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New Things are Awesome Things, IWSG

Oh yeah.

Guess who figured out how to use the camera on this here computer. Wait for it.

So that’s me. Very strange. Obviously enchanting.


I’m dipping my toe into the video aspect of the internet. Not sure I’m going full vlog, but I plan on dying someday so I figure there’s no time like the lively present to do something I’ve been vaguely curious about. I’ll be dipping an even bigger toe in next Friday at 8 (like, next Friday – 3/10) when I will live stream on Christie’s Coffee Corner, a weekly interview session with authors.

Oh yeah. This is happening. It’s us hanging out while you ask me questions and I answer them or you don’t ask me anything and I end up staring awkwardly at you. Either way. This shit is going down. Stalkers are welcome, but please limit your questions to the appropriate ones. Oh, and um, no math queries. Let’s keep it reasonable here, people.

Other than Christie’s Coffee Corner, I’m still working on BTT, and can’t wait to get some Betas on board. It needs at least one more round of edits before it’s presentable, but every day I feel a little bit closer to that finish line. I’m also working on this super awesome secret project that I cannot WAIT to reveal and when it gets closer to nearing completion—which it isn’t—I will. So, for now, let me dazzle you with how excited I am for Better Than This, my soon to be first YA Contemporary Romance. AND it features musicians. Come on, guys. MUSICIANS.

Now, onto the optional question for IWSG!

Have you ever pulled out a really old story and reworked it? Did it work out?

I guess short answer… no?

I’ve definitely opened old documents and chuckled to myself, mostly at the poor writing. But I never dive into them. At least I haven’t, yet. I think I’m the kind of writer that needs to write in the moment because if I’m excited by something, that’s the time to write it. Of course, if I came across a project I’d forgotten I’d written, something that intrigued me… then sure, why not? Anything’s possible. 😉

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.


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