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IWSG, You are You.

It’s the first Wednesday of the month which means it’s time for IWSG!

Are you a writer? Do you know someone who is? If so, it’s probably a good idea to check out IWSG (Insecure Writer’s Support Group), a blog hop for aspiring writers to share doubts and fears and to encourage one another on the difficulties and struggles of the writing life. IWSG was started by our fearless captain, Alex Cavanaugh, and I’m truly glad he did, because now I look forward to the first Wednesday of every month. I look forward to sharing my own insights, to reading others and to be reminded of the vast writing community, struggling and aspiring just like me.

So, as my third post for IWSG, I’d like to share something with you:

*takes breath*

Sometimes I hate the way I write.

It’s true.

Sometimes, on the really bad days, I shake my head and accuse myself. Why do you think you’re able to do this? What gives you the idea you have anything to offer? Anything other people want to read?

I hate that I do this. I hate it. But I hate even more when I let that doubt and fear seep in, depleting me of all the hard-earned confidence I’ve built up, and I’m left feeling insecure and embarrassed. And it’s no one’s fault but my own. I did this. I made myself feel like this. It’s so easy to focus on the negatives because I know so much can go wrong. People could hate it. Nothing is guaranteed. Anyone can write—what makes me special?

I wish I could give advice on how to avoid these feelings. But sometimes they’re inevitable. Sometimes you read something so beautiful, something you love so much that you find yourself comparing it to your own words. Don’t. It’s easier said than done, right? Any time I see or hear or read or appreciate something that is truly spectacular, I find myself wondering about my own artistic contribution. Am I the real deal or just an amateur? Should I just give up now? Save myself the time and embarrassment and work in a cubicle for the rest of my life? It’s definitely the safer route; it’s quiet. I won’t risk anything… but then, I won’t gain anything either.

Doubt and fear are poison. Never let them rule you. Never, never, never.  Everyone is different; everyone has their own style. If we were all the same, there would be no variety in this world and it would make for a very dull, very boring place to exist.  So please, don’t ever compare yourself to others. Don’t wish you sounded like them and berate yourself for not. You are not them. You are you. And you possess your own talent, your own special spark. And that’s what we want to hear. You. So don’t be afraid. Be the best that you can be. Love yourself and love the way you write. And if you do that, we will too.

Happy IWSG!

Keep writing 🙂

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