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For You, Writers!

So, last month I joined IWSP (Insecure Writers Support Group).

It’s a support group of writers that post inspirational, encouraging and motivational writings on their blogs or websites for other emerging authors. I discovered them on the first Thursday of the month and they post on the first Wednesday so today is my debut participation and I’d like to say:

You can do it.

Sometimes that’s all you need to hear. You can do it.

How do you know you can do it? Because you’re doing it now. You’re sniffing around, seeing what else is out there, seeing what others are doing. Something must’ve brought you to this blog, this post and that’s thanks to your efforts to better yourself and your writing. I’m new to all this too. I don’t know if what I’m doing is right or if I should be going about it another way, but I can tell you what I’m not doing is sitting around doing nothing. Because nothing leads to nothing and certainly not the life and career you want to lead. So congratulations on being proactive! You’re that much closer to you making your dreams come true. Just by reading this? No. But by taking the steps to believe in yourself enough not to do nothing.

Keep reading. Keep researching. And by all means, keep writing. Because only you’re the one who knows how limitless you can be.

And that, dear friends, is all you need to decide.

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