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I Need Some Purchased Hours IWSG

Besides writing, what other creative outlets do you have?

(I figured I’d jump right into the IWSG question; no introduction. I’m dangerous like that😉)

Let’s see, besides writing, I have a ton of creative outlets—I just don’t utilize most of them. There is a very dusty keyboard to my left that I wish I would play more of, but any available free time goes to this keyboard (see what I did there?) I also love to sketch sarcastic cartoon comics that I day-dream will be the next Garfield (but like, a thousand times different. And darker. Way darker.) If we could buy time, I’d never have money for anything because I’d spend it all on more hours. Forget the wedding. Batman and I will make due at the courthouse—with a kickass honeymoon, let’s not get crazy here—but everything else would go to the “purchased hours” I could actually be productive in.

Ah, society. I could serve you much better. But you keep making me pay for shit.

What about you? Do you dabble in more than one artistic field? Or when you’re fed up with your favorite medium, what do you switch to?

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.

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