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Yes, It Was A Good Weekend

So, we made it back from Orlando alive šŸ˜Š

SeaWorld on Friday and Universal Studios on Saturday was a pretty snazzy way to spend the weekend and celebrate the olā€™ birthday. Even though Batman guilted me into riding the coasters with him, I had an awesome time hanging out with the penguins and visiting my *alma mater. I took a bunch of pictures and seriously thought about posting ALL OF THEM (and only them), but Iā€™m a chatty-Kathy and like to talk. Plus, Iā€™ve got to walk you through the days.

Letā€™s begin with Friday: SEAWORLD

Okay, I have to admit that this park is a little small and probably not the *top* attraction on your list of places to visit, but it does boast the tallest AND fastest rollercoaster in Orlandoā€”something I found out after ridingā€”and has cool shows and aquariums andā€”most importantlyā€”a PENGUIN EXHIBIT!

How can this be beat, right? It cannot. But a closer runner-up to seeing the penguins was when we discovered the sealions! And then the amazingness continued once we learned we could FEED THEM TOOĀ šŸ˜Š

Seriously, SeaWorld isnā€™t that bad, but donā€™t come to Orlando just for it, k?


I was too excited to take a picture of the Universal ball because Batman and I pretty much ran to Diagon Alley. Sorry. Two Potter fans over here šŸ˜Š Most of my camera was filled up of this one section of the park, because, obviously. Weā€™ve both been before, but itā€™s still fun to get swept away in all the magic!

Batman posed with many of Universalā€™s finest characters:

And how could I let the day end without 1) a great souvenir and 2) a great picture of us?

Are you dying? I was dying. The second I looked at it, I said, ā€œsold!ā€ And of course, with Batmanā€™s love of Starwars, we had to get something that included Mark Hamil.

Yes, it was a good weekend.

How was yours? šŸ˜Š

*Hufflepuff. Ten points to your house if you guessed that (100 if you KNEW that)

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