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IWSG – Still Chugging Along

I’m a flake. Total flake. I missed the last IWSG AGAIN and I don’t even remember July getting here. And now it’s August. And I need to start saving for Christmas because it’s going to be next year soon and then I’ll be forty and then seventy and then I’ll die. That’s how fast life goes. You’re 31 and then you die.


I’ve been okay recently. Actually, better than okay. I’ve been—is hopeful the right word? Excited about the future? All good vibes towards later, possible events? Whatever the right way is to convey it: I’m starting to understand—and I’m not being corny here—my life’s purpose. It’s something I struggle with since I’m constantly angry and disappointed in myself for being where I am at this stage in my life. It’s been bothering me for a while (like, years) and I just don’t know how to change it. So, I write. I write the fiction I’ve always wanted to write (sitting on a bestsellers shelf in B&N, right?) and I write to understand why I write, the struggles that come with it, both in the creative realm and outside it. That’s probably why I enjoy this group so much and why I SHANT BE KICKED OUT TODAY.

So, remember in June when I said I was changing the ending to my WIP and that it’s okay to be a panster even when (and especially) something like that happens (you probably don’t since nobody really reads this)? Well I’m happy to say I rewrote the entire ‘third act’ and after weaving in some new details and events, I’m LOVING MY NEW ENDING. So much better. Like, leaps and bounds. Like, it was cute the first time around but now it’s a DAMN GIRL. Yeah. I’m happy with it. 😊

I hope to be asking for BETAs sometime in the near future because I think it’s nearing completion. Maybe? Hopefully? I think I have another two read-throughs (which should take me a month total) so after that… yeah…other people’s reading it. The really scary, sucky part of this whole thing. Can’t wait.

I was going to answer this month’s question, but I don’t really have any pet peeves, at least, none worth mentioning. So there. I guess I did answer the question. Thrilling, I know.

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.

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