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IWSG – Who’s a quitter?

I missed last month which makes me lame.

I know.

I almost missed this month if not for the fear of being kicked out of the group, which I super rarely participate in, but still like being a part of. I never join things. Never liked it. I’m more of a social loner who prefers to be by myself, except when I don’t. Like when the trials of being a writer (or any artist) gets too much, it’s good to have a group of people who get it. People who know what you mean because it’s their struggle too.

With all that said—HA! Can’t kick me out now 😉 I’m here. I have my “Hello my name is” sticker and I’m ready to go. Point me toward the refreshment table and let’s do this.

 Did you ever say “I quit?” If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?

No. I’ve never decided to quit.

I’ve teased myself with the idea before, but never fully committed. I don’t think I can. Without sounding too cheese or corny—and maybe some of you can relate—if I go too long without writing, I lose something. Some part of myself that makes me feel like me, a part that makes everything… okayish. I think if I did quit writing, I’d be this totally other person, someone I wouldn’t like, someone who, besides being incredibly attractive, wouldn’t have that spark. That excitement. The thing that makes peoples’ eyes light up.

I’m sure I’ll teeter on the idea of quitting again, at some point when something’s not going the way I planned. I may even decide to take a week off. But then the need to scratch the never-ending itch returns and the sun comes back out again.

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.

P.S. I’m watching 13 Reasons Why. Anyone else? Thoughts?

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