It Still Counts

I really hope this makes it onto the blog, but, we’ll see.

I’m writing this last minute, and it has nothing to do with you. It’s all me. All me and my poor time-management, which is actually quite good at my day-job. Not sure if it’s because I’m getting paid to be responsible, or because of some secret fear of getting fired, but I’m able to do it in a cubicle. (And also, the weird desk situation I have going on with this latest gig.) Hopefully I can grab some of the magic employment dust and sprinkle it over this ol’ laptop of indieness to help with the time-management thing because sometimes, I honestly don’t know what happens.

Where the time goes.

Why my calendar didn’t update itself with a reminder.

And like, where the hell is my assistant?

It’s crazy the little amount of help I get. It’s like I’m doing this thing on my own. Absolutely crazy.

As you probably predicted, I still don’t have a title for my story. Awesome, I know. But it’s still going, still progressing, and I haven’t lost interest. Win! My job is quite distracting with all the learning and questions following me home, so putting that aside for a slice of time each night to focus on writing is paramount. And even if it’s only twenty minutes—say, writing a blog post perhaps?—it still counts. It counts because any creative brain power after a full day (or anytime really) chisels into the vault of creative energy, and that’s like tapping into the force. Even for a second, you’ve got to be proud of it. So, I am. Even of this little blog post.

I could probably chisel deeper and talk more about the job, but I’m far too many wine glasses away from revealing those details just yet. Not even sure I should here? Let’s just say, I’m one out of six females in an office of forty. Let that sink in. Only been there a little over two months and I think I’m finally used to it.

Alright, no more work-talk. No more talk-talk. I’m going to finish up this post and head over to draft # 5 of “Untitled” because the brain is still flickering with energy, and I’m going to capitalize.

Here’s to a fabulous week!

~ Lady Caitlin singing off

4 thoughts on “It Still Counts

  1. Loni Townsend says:

    Heh, I’m well familiar with the male-dominated workspace. I’ve had to call out my co-workers more than once on sexist generalizations that they don’t even realize slip out. But I’m senior developer on the team and second-in-command, so they’ve put up with it for the past decade. One guy has gotten a lot better, but still have to say stuff like “It’s called the cardio room, not the girl’s side of the gym.”

    I hope your time frees up more so you can do more writing!

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