Batman Wins

Batman wins my birthday.

I received some most-excellent (and way too many) birthday gifts, but Batman wins. I’m sorry. He does. Believe me, I loved all the cards and t-shirts and gift cards, but Batman bought us a tiny parcel of land in Scotland making us technically—legally—a Lord and Lady.


That’s right. You read that correctly. And just in case you’re wondering if this is in any way legit, it totally most likely is:

And besides, it’s being endorsed by a comedian. The same comedian and podcast that has scored me a sexy pair of Shady Rays sun glasses for FREE because Batman used their code to cash in on a sweet BOGO promotion. And now, he’s bought us land in Scotland, giving us official titles. I like this podcast. I like it a lot. (Thank you, Tom Segura @ Your Mom’s House Podcast!)

So, yeah, Batman by far wins the birthday because now we have even more of a reason to visit Scotland. We literally own two square feet of land, and damnit, we’re going to see it one day. But again, a definite shout out to everyone who called and texted and reminded me of how much I’m loved. It feels wonderful to know I’ve survived 35 years knowing so many awesome people.

I’m going to keep this post short because I have thousand things to do, and this blog almost got shoved to the side again. Apparently, the wedding is around 6 weeks away (?!?!?!) and not the “two-three months” I keep thinking it is. So much to be done.

*So* much.

Enjoy your weekend and I hope you all purchase your own plots of lands or hint about it strongly enough to your loved ones or significant others. We could be neighbors 😊

~ Lady Caitlin signing off

3 thoughts on “Batman Wins

  1. cgcoppola says:

    It IS an awesome gift! Sorry – totally forgot you commented until I posted this morning’s post. But YES – I LOVE IT!! He started by saying, “So…you know how you’ve always wanted to own land in Europe…” And I was like yeah… 🙂

  2. Loni Townsend says:

    Ha! That is awesome! You should totally take like a birdhouse or a miniaturized cottage or even a castle to put on your land! Oooh, yeah, make a castle, and then put it on the land, and take perspective pictures so it looks like it’s huge.

    I think that’s a great and creative birthday present. Definitely a win.

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