IWSG #I’m Surrounded

There’s not a lot of blog-worthy stuff I can share here  since most of it is in-the-moment-awesomeness and…things better suited off the interwebs 😊 So with that all said, let’s jump on into the optional question:

What are FIVE objects we’d find in your writing space?

Oh, geez. Um. Let me look around…

I should probably lie and clean a lot first, but I’m going to be honest. Brutally honest. Willing to put-pictures-up-honest, all for my lovely loyal audience (both of you 🙂 ). So….here we go:

  • Water bottles. There are a lot of them. I mean a lot. Don’t believe me?

Yeah, I’m that girl from Signs. So, what? I’ll be ready when the aliens invade. I don’t know why I keep half-drunken water bottles around, but I do. And now you know. (Please still like me).

  • Writery/Inspirationy things.

When the going gets tough, I like to read not-terrible things. It helps silence that sucky feeling most artists know all too well. Plus, most of them have pretty script and cool designs 😊

  • Plain ass weird shit.

I don’t know…I liked the frog…and the hands….I don’t know. It seemed like a double high-five, and who could say no to that?

  • Apparently…stuffed animals?

So, I’m ten. Get over it.

  • Toys!

Again, I’m a woman-child. And so is Batman. I mean, I call him Batman. Need I say more?

There. Now you have it. Now you know all the weird things surrounding my desk when I’m writing those stories you (hopefully love to) read. What’d you expect? A clean desk with a cup of pretty pens and journls? Psshh. You don’t know me at all.

What about you? What’s your desk look like?

Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG) is a monthly blog hop for writers at all levels to share their fears and insecurities in a safe and encouraging place. Please drop by and say hi to Alex Cavanaugh who started this nifty concept in bringing us all together.

9 thoughts on “IWSG #I’m Surrounded

  1. C.D. Gallant-King says:

    You’re braver than me. I haven’t been able to post my writing desk yet, mostly because I don’t use it very much. But my office is full of toys, too. They mostly belong to my kids, but still.

    To be fair I have a bunch of stuff I’m planning to put up when I get around to it – replica swords, toy lightsabers, tabletop gaming figurines – but to be honest I can’t leave any of that shit around my kids.

    • cgcoppola says:

      And that is why I don’t have kids – so they don’t steal my cool shit.

      Can’t wait to see pictures of your writing space. I bet it looks cool! 🙂

  2. trishafaye says:

    I love your post – and some of the things in your writing space. Okay…maybe you have a few more water bottles than I do LOL But on that part, your honesty and openness was refreshing! (I shared some pics of things in my space too…but oh, was I ever so careful to zoom in and crop the clutter out LOL)

  3. jmh says:

    Nice to meet you, C.G. Thanks for stopping by my blog this month.

    I still love stuffed animals too! As far as I see it, it’s much more humane than owning a real walrus, right?

    As for my desk, it’s a repository of clutter right now, including random greetings cards and receipts. I write in the tub. And on the couch.

    I love your writing space. It has personality, so who cares about the water bottles?

  4. Loni Townsend says:

    Nice! I like you collection of oddities. I particularly like the squirrel.

    I have a lot of odd stuff in my official office–glass bottles, a top hat, a gigantic fan. Unfortunately, I never do any writing there.

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