Focus On the Highlights

I’m going to do my best NOT to make this a downer post but I’ve been feeling kind of down lately, so, I’ve decided to focus on the highlights. Yes? Here we go:

1) I figured out how to make a second Instagram. You’ve might’ve seen it since I linked it up with my personal account and not my author account (whatever). I didn’t realize I needed a second Instagram (#bookstagram), but every article I’ve read says it’s a MUST HAVE even though the only MUST HAVE of a writer is to write. I barely use my first Instagram so we’ll see how this goes.

2) I made an account on Book and Main Bites. I briefly mentioned this last post, but I’m actually kind of digging it. I like reading little bits of different stories and knowing I can go buy the book because of exciting little samples I’m able to read throughout it. Plus, networking is a thing and I’ve met some awesome authors.

3) I had an Eureka moment with Book 3. Whenever I don’t feel great editing/working on something, it’s usually because I’m missing a scene or an event didn’t pan out properly. I thought I had everything I wanted and then it hit me—I needed to take one scene and stretch that motherfucker out because it was such a climactic moment that I wasn’t giving the characters—or story—enough time to do what needed to be done. So, I fixed it. Erm—am fixing it.

4) Lastly, I’ll be sending BTT to be formatted and then after that (probably at the tail end of next week or the second week of May) it should be ready for pre-order. Which makes this whole thing real. REAL, GUYS. FREAKING REAL.

But I’m excited. I really love this story and I’m getting good feedback. Plus, it’s nice to know that I’m like, going for my dream and all.

How have you been? What’s something exciting/fun on your highlight list?

P.S. Oh! And a lot of people shared my teaser yesterday, so that was nice 🙂

2 thoughts on “Focus On the Highlights

  1. H.R. Sinclair, Southpaw says:

    I don’t understand the second attached to first instagram thing (I’m not instagram savvy). I clicked the instagram icon in the sidebar but it says the account doesn’t exist. 😕

    I hope you downess starts heading upwards soon!

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