Discovery at Nerwolix

It’s that time again.

No, not Labor Day, although that did sneak up on us, didn’t it? I SWEAR it was Christmas only yesterday.

I’m getting old.

But actually it’s the time for another book release. Hurray! For all you (any of you) fans out there, the third installment in the Arizal Wars series, Discovery at Nerwolix, is now available for purchase. It picks up right where POM ended with Fallon and the others arriving on the tundra ice-planet Larupip, all anxiously waiting to meet Blovid, the last Arizal Leader of Dellapalania. I will say that so far, DAN is my favorite. Favorite. The war is approaching, history (and secrets) are unraveling, and Fallon and Reid are still exploring the depths of their relationship—all things I’m very excited about! At this point, I feel like I’m with my family when I’m writing these characters. I hope you feel like you’re part of it when you’re reading them.

I appreciate any reviews (on blogs, Goodreads, Amazon, your neighbor) that you’re willing to share. Reviews build an audience and as we’re still at the kick-start of campaigning this series, every (and any) little bit helps. So tell your friends, your parents, your arch nemesis and even your pet rock Bob. I’m open for questions AND looking to write some different POV scenes. I know what I’m interested in… but what about you? What scene would you like to see from someone else’s perspective?

Thank you again for taking an interest in Arizal Wars!

Happy reading 🙂

Available on Smashwords here

Available on Amazon here

4 thoughts on “Discovery at Nerwolix

  1. Loni Townsend says:

    Woot! Congrats! Oh, and my pet rock really prefers to be called Robert. He’s trying to be a professional rock and not live off my kindness, so he’s building up a new image.

    • cgcoppola says:

      Excuse me, Robert. How terrible of me to address him so informally. I suppose there comes a time in every rock’s life to leave the (rock?) nest. But thank you! I’m very excited to be one step closer to not being quite as poor.

  2. cgcoppola says:

    Yeah. Here’s the weird thing: I didn’t add my first or second book. They like magically appeared. It was awesome. And now, I’m stroking my chin and smoking my pipe, trying to figure out how to add my third. I’m sure it’s like, incredibly easy. But I’ve emailed the help center. We’ll see what they say.

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